How much thought do you put into your clothes?
Do you think about where they’re made?
Do you think about who made them?
Do you think about what they’re made of?
Do you think about what’s happening to your body when you put them on?
Or even the working conditions of the person or people who made them?
Skin is the largest organ of your physical body and responds to fabrics and textures. It even absorbs the energy of whomever has been working on it… either with love or with fear depending on their working conditions.
If you have not considered these questions you’re completely normal! However, let this open your eyes to the importance of consciousness and intention when it comes to your style.
Think about it this way. Would you rather wear a blouse made of yummy organic cotton that is natural and allows your skin to breathe, or made of polyester which is a synthetic fabric made of petroleum? The majority of polyester is not biodegradable meaning it ends up in landfills and creates massive amounts of pollution. If burned, the fibers can cause tremendous bodily damage… imagine what’s seeping into your skin just from wearing it.
That fact alone has me slowly purging all polyester from my closet and not buying more!
Aside from the physical aspect, there’s an energetic upgrade that happens when you invest in higher vibe materials. The luxuriousness on your skin makes you feel a certain way. It may be a subtle shift, yet it’s there.
Similar to when you invest in organic food. You’re giving your body better fuel so that you operate at a higher level. Your skin reacts in the same way to higher vibe fabrics.
Personally if I want to feel extra powerful or protected I’ll reach for leather. Or if I want to feel soft and feminine either silk or lace. Those specific fabrics create a feeling in my body and allow me to step into that desired role.
Do you have a specific fabric that makes you feel the most confident?
Clothing is made of energy just like everything else in this world. And it has the ability to absorb the energy of whoever touches it. If you’ve ever borrowed a friend’s clothing or put on something from a loved one, you’ve likely noticed a smile come across your face as you put on the piece. Maybe you even hold your head higher with an extra boost of confidence. You’re absorbing their high vibe energy.
On the contrary, imagine someone literally slaving away to produce your blouse as fast as humanly possible so that he or she can move onto the next one to ensure she hits quota. No time for bathroom breaks, food breaks and barely even making enough money to buy food. This is the sad reality for so many brands on the market. Not to mention the pollution happening in those locations affecting everyone’s food and water.
The fear in that workers' energy field is being poured into the clothes, and as soon as you put it on your body a portion of it is merging into your energy field. You may not notice anything massive, yet somewhere it’s dulling your sparkle.
So how do you ensure that your clothing is elevating you instead of harming you?
Going back to the questions I asked at the very top is the next step.
- Dig into some of your favorite brands and find out where they’re made and if there are policies in place to protect their workers. Brands are becoming much more transparent.
- Research the fabrics of your clothes and make a decision about what you do want to put on your body moving forward. This isn’t about throwing away everything at once… it’s about making smarter choices moving forward while slowly purging.
- Notice how you feel when you put on your clothes. Do certain pieces make you feel better? If so, ask yourself if it’s the fabric or the style or the color. Awareness is step 1 so you know what to buy moving forward.
And if this feels like too much, the easiest step for you to take is to avoid fast fashion. Brands like Forever 21 and H&M where they are constantly churning out new, inexpensive pieces to stay up with trends. While they may tout that a portion of their brand is sustainable, it’s nowhere near enough to erase the damage being done to our environment and the well being of their employees.
Focus on buying less yet investing in key pieces that are sustainable and high vibe. Then use accessories and play with mixing and matching to create new looks. And if that still feels like too much, use the button below to schedule time with me to chat about your style. I can do all of that for you:)
Style Specialist & Confidence Catalyst