Life lessons come through for you all the time as long as you’re open to receiving them. It takes curiosity and awareness and an openness to see things in a different way.
And yes, that can even happen while you’re shopping!
Let me share a personal experience that recently occurred that opened my eyes to a few areas of my life that would benefit from some changes. The reality is that how you do one thing is how you do everything.
There was this beautiful pair of shoes that I had been eyeing for a few weeks. A gorgeous, white leather slide with shiny, colorful hearts all over them. Every time I looked at them online, I felt a smile spread across my face. They were a “happy” shoe.
Initially I wasn’t sure I wanted them because I was really focused on a solid white shoe that would go with everything. I mean I’m a talented stylist, yet something about the hot pink and blue and orange hearts was telling me this slide didn’t exactly fit that profile.
Yet, something kept drawing me back to the heart shoes! There was that feeling in my gut… it was a soul yes.
I’ve learned to listen to those yes’s over the past few years instead of allowing my mind to take over and list off all the reasons I don’t need to do or say or be whatever my soul is telling me.
Yet for some reason, I hesitated on the shoes. I created a story that if they went further on sale then I’d buy them because I don’t really need them in my closet.
And guess what happened? When I made the decision to go ahead and buy them, they had already sold out of my size. If this has ever happened to you before then you know the feeling of frustration and blame that ensues!
So I sat in that blame energy for a few hours telling myself I “should” have bought them right away when I got that soul yes. I know you’re thinking, “girl it’s only a pair of shoes”, yet please keep in mind you’re talking to a woman who shops and styles for a living! This is my happy place:)
This is not the first time I’ve hesitated and missed out on something I truly wanted. Be it a thing, an experience, a job, a client… this whole incident simply brought to light one of the areas of my life I get to shift.
Life Lesson 1: Stop hesitating when you get a soul yes! Down the line it will lead to missing out on something WAY more important than a pair of shoes.
Lesson received Universe.
There’s actually more to this story… another life lesson. Once I shifted out of the frustrated energy and chose clarity, something magical happened.
When I initially searched for these shoes, I only saw them still available at Bloomingdales. Yet once I shifted back into clarity, I got a ping to check another site; a very specific site that I never shop and did not initially pop up in my search.
This time, I listened! Even though it was 11:30pm and I was getting into bed. You can’t tell your intuition when to inspire you. I jumped on my phone, opened up the Dillard’s website and sure enough, they had shoes in my size still available!
This time, there was zero hesitation. In fact, I bought two sizes just to make sure one would fit. That’s another little shopping hack I love. You just return the size that’s off.
The next morning I was reflecting on what happened, because as mentioned above, there are life lessons everywhere!
Life Lesson 2: Don’t get stuck on the solution having to be a certain way (aka on the Bloomies site). There are a myriad of ways to solve anything.
Shopping is literally a metaphor for life! And I’ll never hesitate on that soul yes again. Happy to report the happy heart shoes are sitting blissfully in my closet waiting for their first trip out into the world.
Let me know in the comments below if you’ve ever experienced an AHA while shopping? I know I’m not the only one.
Style Specialist & Confidence Catalyst