What’s Your Confidence Color?

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Blog Post - What’s Your Confidence Color?

Has it ever crossed your mind that there's a deeper meaning behind why you choose to wear certain colors? Why do you gravitate towards that blue blouse prior to a presentation?


I've always loved color and its power to elevate my mood (and my client's moods), yet never understood why. So I started to get curious, and my understanding of color was forever changed!


You have a specific style color to wear that will magnetize you for empowerment and success. Colors and fabrics create feelings, and when worn intentionally allow you to lead with greater confidence.


As you go through life, that color may change… it may even change daily!


Using color to enhance your confidence, and thus success, begins with an understanding of the energy aligned with various colors. Everything in life is made of energy, including color. My belief is that we have wheels of energy, known as chakras, running along our spine. 


When all are in balance and spinning, energy flows through you freely and you feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. If one of the chakras gets congested, it can lead to physical, mental or emotional issues. For instance, if the solar plexus gets sticky, that can actually affect your digestion. 


Various colors align with each chakra. 


The reason I’m sharing this is for you to start understanding how to use color to enhance that chakra to elevate your energy and how you feel about yourself, which directly affects your confidence. You’ll also start to learn why you crave specific colors. You can use the color of a specific chakra to enhance that power center... essentially, it's an energetic tune-up.


Let’s dive briefly into each chakra and the color associated so that you can start to become an energy and color master!


Root (red):

This chakra is found at the base of your tailbone and represents grounding energy. It's your connection to Mother Earth. When you are grounded, everything flows with ease and you feel safe. So if you're not feeling safe or grounded lately, start wearing more red.


Sacral (orange):

Next in line we have the sacral chakra, located just below your belly button. This is your creative center and where you birth all of your ideas. This represents pleasure and abundance and play! So if you're brainstorming on a new idea or project or doing something that requires creativity, throw on some orange.


Solar Plexus (yellow):

The solar plexus is found just above your belly button and is your inner compass, your power, and where you create beliefs about yourself. For instance, the phrase “I am confident” stems from your Solar Plexus. Yellow is the color to wear if you are doubting your worthiness or struggling to accomplish tasks. 


Heart (green & pink):

Your heart chakra is all about love; self-love and giving love to others. The more love you show yourself, the greater this radiates out to others. Green and pink represent your heart chakra and are powerful colors to wear if you owe forgiveness to yourself or another person. If you are craving green or pink, you likely owe yourself some serious self-care.


Throat (light blue or turquoise):

This next chakra is all about speaking your truth and being heard. Are you fully sharing yourself and your beliefs or is there something holding you back? Blue (light blue or turquoise) will assist you in eloquently communicating. 


Third Eye (indigo/navy):

Your 6th chakra represents intuition and your ability to find all of the answers within. Your 6th and 7th chakras are more spiritual than the lower chakras and call forth self-awareness and wisdom. This is a great color to wear if you have major decisions to make. Any instance where you truly need to listen to your intuition.


Crown (purple):

Your crown chakra is your connection to Divine, God, Goddess, Source or however you choose to call the Higher Power. This is your wisdom that you are not alone, and the universe is always working in your favor. Should you need guidance, activating your crown chakra via the color purple opens you up to Divine inspiration. 


Is this resonating with you? Is anything opening up? 

Are you having some aha’s about which color or colors would be beneficial for you to wear right now to create harmony and joy? Or are you noticing there is a certain color you’ve been craving? Starting to get curious about this correlation will allow you to select colors that elevate your energy and also balance you.

If you’re curious which color you should be wearing right now to be your most confident self, take this short quiz to find out. Let me know in the comments below which color you received.


Style Specialist & Confidence Catalyst

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