Who Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?
It’s a potent question when you allow yourself to really go there.
Ask yourself this question and see what comes up in your heart and mind.
Typically when I ask my clients there’s a long pause. Either they don’t really look at themselves in the mirror or have a love/hate relationship depending on the day.
What’s coming up for you?
Do you see your natural beauty and the deep intelligence in your eyes? The softness of your skin and the depth of your soul? The woman who is focused on her vision and bettering herself?
Or do you notice the wrinkles, the grey in your hair, the extra pounds that crept on the past few years, the failures, the sadness or the things you haven’t yet accomplished?
Or do you rarely allow yourself to look in the mirror? Too busy to pause and be present with yourself.
Before focusing on elevating your style, you must focus on elevating your thoughts.
Style can only go so far in upleveling your life if your thoughts are still dragging you down. On the contrary, when your thoughts are lifting you up and your style is lifting you up, you become magnetic to the people and events you wish to attract.
So how do you shift your thoughts into those that are uplifting?
The first step is shifting the thoughts you have about yourself when you look in the mirror. This doesn’t mean you’re never allowed to have a negative thought as life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. What it means is, pour more energy into the positive thoughts, the uplifting thoughts, the thoughts that highlight what is working.
And you’ll find that over time, you train your brain to seek the positive thoughts more and more.
One of the exercises I love to give my clients is mirror work. This goes in tandem with the physical style tweaks we are making. It’s easy and only takes a minute a day. Are you up for taking it on?
Here’s what you do:
- Stand in front of your mirror (no, you don’t have to be naked… I know some of you were thinking this…)
- Set a timer for a minute
- Say out loud all of the things you love about yourself. From the physical to the emotional to the mental.
- Repeat daily!
You’ll find that the more you do this exercise, the easier it becomes. And you’re training your brain to reach for the positive thoughts any time you see yourself in the mirror. The more positive thoughts you have, the higher you raise your vibe and confidence level.
The more positive your vibe, the greater your ability to attract positivity into your life. Plus when you feel good, you’ll definitely want to show up in your favorite clothes and be noticed.
Speaking of your favorite clothes. Need some help finding them? Click here to schedule time to chat with me to see if you’re a fit for personal styling.
And just know, you’ll definitely be doing this mirror work if you are:)
Style Specialist & Confidence Catalyst